Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Make $15,500 in 2 Weeks

For More Information Contact:

Daniel Butts

Friday, July 10, 2009

Level One Programs

Here are some Level One Programs

The Online Ad Network


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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Matrix Soldiers

Attention: When we join a program we....KILL IT!

"Tired Of Matrix Building Alone?
Join Our Army Of Matrix Soldiers And Dominate As A TEAM!"

"As A Matrix Soldier You Will Kill The Matrix With A MASSIVE DOWNLINE!"

From The Desk Of: Burke Jones & Gary Hand (The Matrix Soldiers Commanders)

Dear Friend:

If you have been trying to build a matrix all by yourself, you know how tough it is to recruit person after person. With Matrix Soldiers you can now DOMINATE the enemy matrix just like the "Guru's" with massive mailings lists.

If you have ever wanted to instantly have a massive downline of paying members below you, all with one goal - to dominate a matrix - squeezing every last dime out of the pay plan - then you need to grab your FREE account at Matrix Soldiers!


tickA true team build, spillover will happen.
tickClimb the ranks to become a General, the higher your rank the sooner you get the link to join the matrix
tickOnce we launch the link we are going to set up a rotator so that the distribution is more fair than a normal left to right matrix build.
tickJoin the Alliance of Downline builders
tickAre you tired of "TEAM" programs that launch into a new program every week? We will only launch into 4 this year.
tickOur leaders have dedicated to advertise and grow our launches for months and months after the launch.
tickBuilding as a team is better than building alone
tickEveryone benefits from our one of a kind spillover model no more out of date left to right building.
tickRevenue for advertising the launch program is already set aside ready for us to do our large advertising buys.

"So...Just How Does This Work?"

With Matrix Soldiers we start the team build here with our one of a kind RANKING SYSTEM. As you advertise the Matrix Soldiers team, people join under you and build your ranks...this happens 20 LEVELS DEEP, yes I said an unheard of 20 levels deep!

Everyone in your downline AND whoever they introduce our team to, counts toward YOUR rank advancements!

PLUS....Gary and Burke are advertising this site like crazy! EVERYONE who joins thru our efforts will be randomly assigned a sponsor - so we are helping you advance in rank!

When we are ready to launch into a matrix - and kill it like any good group of soldiers do - the highest ranked members will get the link first! So you efforts WILL BE REWARDED!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Now Launched! My Partners In Profit System

The My Partners In Profit System will raise the bar in the network marketing industry to a level it has never seen before. Ensuring everyone gets paid and has success.

The recent launch of Paul Birdsall's My Partners In Profit has raised the bar to a level the network marketing industry has never seen. With failure of network marketers still hovering around 95%-98% the My Partners In Profit System has the true potential to turn that figure around. In this dismal economy consumers are looking for more and more ways to start earning money from home.

The My Partners In Profit System is an MLM funded proposal system that provides multiples streams of income. It also removes the biggest reason for network marketing failure, the untrained marketer's human variable. When a prospect is sent to the system and opts in by paying the service fee they are then given all the information they need and are followed up with seasoned leaders in the industry.

Paul Birdsall's group is the fastest growing group in the Shaklee Corporation and that's all due to the different marketing techniques he not only uses but teaches. Understanding you can never successfully market any network marketing or home business opportunity online without using a funded proposal, the My Partners In Profit System takes it another step further in providing full support to it's users and business owners.

By training these future leaders about the importance of an MLM funded proposal and assisting them with live training and free lead generation online this system is building an unstoppable leadership force.

For more information contact
Daniel Butts

For more information:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

6 Effective Ways to Use Twitter as a Lead Generation Tool

As you may or may not now, Twitter.com is a hot social networking community right now. According to compete.com, in November, 2008 Twitter had approximately 3,478,239 people visiting the site. Twitter grew 640% between November 2007 and November 2008.

So how can you harness all this growth into a relationship building system for lead generation or joint venture alliances? How do you provide value, direction, and an authoritative impression in the minds of your followers?

Here are 6 effective ways that I’ve found to contribute to the Twitter community that can be beneficial to your business or consulting practice.

1. Target your market to follow the right people

Ask yourself, “Who’s my ideal client?” Once you define your target market, finding other people who share an affinity for your products and services is much easier. Twitter may have over 3.5 million users, but that’s not your audience. More than likely your universe is much smaller than that. Even if you’re in abroad spectrum market such as “online marketing” or “social networking specialist” you’ve got to narrow down your focus to a definable niche, industry or demographic. Instead of being a “social networking consultant” to all companies, being more to less is a smart idea. For example, narrow your target audience or define a specific program for Graphic Designers who want to increase their sales by using social media. Once you’ve got your target market clearly defined, you go can use Twitter based tool sites such as TwitterGroups, http://twittgroups.com/showgroups.php or the Twitter advanced search page, http://search.twitter.com/advanced to find other Twitter pages that contain specific keywords to find specific people.

2. Offer actionable advice

Once you define your target audience and search them out, you should be focusing your tweets on solutions to issues, concerns, cares, and problems that your target audience may have. Focus your Twitter posts (tweets) on providing useful and actionable solution to problems that your ideal clients are facing. You don’t want to use blatant sales pitches here. Remember, your objectives are to offer advise, direction, and act as an authoritative source of answers to your target market. Offer them advice (not just rehashed information), case studies, software, specialized articles, etc. Anything that may help them do their jobs better, easier, faster, more efficient or provide them a higher level of achievement, joy, and satisfaction.

3. Use your 140 character wisely

Just because your have 500, 1,000, or 5,000 followers doesn’t mean they’re all going to read your tweets. It’s human nature to only be interested in things, ideas, and tweets that are important, interesting, or provide value to what’s going on in your follower’s life at this moment. So consider what your followers want to hear about. This goes back to number one on our list. Targeting your market. If we’re searching out a specific audience, your tweets are essentially your headline. The reason why someone is going to take the action to click your link in your tweet to find the benefit that you’ve promised in your headline. Don’t just write, “marketing ideas for Graphic Designers”. Even though you’re talking to a specific group of people, the phrase “marketing services” is vague, undefined, and abstract. Use a more defined, tangible, and clear benefit in your tweet, such as “Traffic conversion best practices for Graphic Designers”. See the difference, one is a general blanket statement, yet the other is focused to solve specific problem that your target marketing may be facing.

4. Your offer and call to action

Obviously you can’t provide much of a solution within 140 characters. So providing a link back to your site, ideally your Blog first before directing them from Twitter to another site. Think about your end objective here. If you’re trying to build your opt-in list, then posting your tweet with a link to another website defeats the purpose. What I like to do is write my tweet as a Blog post on my site first, then copy and paste my Blog post link into the tweet box. This way, I have the opportunity to get a new or returning visitor to my Blog where I can provide useful solutions to their problems or concerns, but I can also present them with the option of joining my opt-in list. You can see an example of this on my Blog if you click here.

5. Frequency of your tweets

If your serious about using Twitter as a lead generation tool, you’re going to have to tweet a minimum of 3 times a day. I’d suggest once in the morning, once midday, and one at night. Reason being is that your target audience is online at different parts of the day. If your followers have a large following of themselves, your tweet will only be seen by a small fraction of your followers.

6. Tracking your results

One way that I’ve found to track your tweet subjects is by naming your Blog post the same as what your use for your tweet post. For example, if I create a tweet called, “8 quick tactics to find joint venture partners”, I’ll create my Blog post to be, www.network4profits.com/8-quick-tactics-to-find-joint-venture-partners. I suggest you use Google Analytics to track your website traffic. It’s very in-depth, easy to use and it’s free. All you have to do is copy and paste your Javascript code into your Blog page header and every page on your site will be tracked. If you don’t know how to do this your Webmaster can set this up for you in less then 10 minutes. By doing this you’ll know exactly how many visitors you’ve gotten to visit your site and your can test different tweet topics to see which ones generate more clicks for you.

Daniel Butts



Sunday, February 8, 2009

Are You Using A Sharp or Dull Axe In Your Network Marketing Business?

Imagine walking up to a man trying to chop down a tree in the forest. He's struggling with all his might and yet he's barely made any progress.

You look at him and you see that he is chopping at the tree vigorously and he's been at it for quite some time and he's intent on getting the tree to down.

He has a single focus and is using all the proper leverage and perfect technique, but as you get close you see there is one thing out of place.

He's using a dull blade.

You say to the man . . .

"Hey buddy why don't you just sharpen your blade, you'll get the job done twice as fast?"

He replies . . .

"No time, can't you see I'm trying to chop down this tree?"

Well, when I first started network marketing I was this guy out in the prospecting forest trying to chop down my tree of successfully building a downline.

I hacked at it. I tried all the techniques I was told were proper and I was intent on using them with all my might until my goal was reached.

Unfortunately, the guy in our example above had one advantage over me.

He had someone actually come up to him and point out his problem.

The sad truth is . . .

If someone had done this for me I probably would have given them the same response that our man with the axe above gave.

I would have said . . .

"Can't you see I'm trying to make cold calls and build a downline? I don't have time for that!"

While in the act and exerting all our energy to a task we give very little time to reflection on what may truly help us be more successful. We think that if we just keep hacking away that sooner or later we will be successful in achieving our end.

While this may hold true . . .

Wouldn't a sharper blade make that struggle a whole lot easier?

I hear a question brewing . . .

"Daniel, you say a blade, but what does this equate to in network marketing?"


All I'll say is this . . .

You can't consistently recruit 10 - 20 people in a month with personal contact or with the phone, but when you learn to leverage the awesome power of the internet using "funded proposals" to your advantage you end up with a mighty sharp MLM/network marketing blade that can!

Here's a super sharp axe I personally use to build my MLM with...

Free Leads For Life

Remember: "What We Can't Do Alone We Can Do Together"

To your unlimited success,

Daniel Butts

Thursday, December 25, 2008

My Experience with Trafficswarm (So Far)

I'd like to share my experience with Trafficswarm so far and I'd be interested in your experience as well.

I started as a free user and clicked and clicked and clicked until I reached just over 7000 credits. I used the maximum clicks each day (250) to get it that high and it took a couple of weeks because I was using credits as well, to advertise the 5 links I had setup. I had some great clicks where I received 50 clicks and once I got 250 and then the other day I got 500 credits with one click. Generally though the credits per click range from 1 - 5.

Well I decided to upgrade to the pro level. I received 2500 credits immediately which put me around 9500. I kept clicking and noticed the minimum credits was now 2. getting 6 credits became very common. But the great news is that I got a sign up that same evening when I upgraded as a pro (which was yesterday) and I got another one today.So with that said I highly recommend upgrading to pro based on the results I've been having so far.

I'm looking forward to other peoples experiences with Trafficswarm.

To Your Success,

Daniel Butts
Internet Marketer & Trainer